Best Film of the Festival: Dosa - Dir. by Shashank Banawalikar Subhash (Canada) 1st Runner Up for Best Film: Chain - Dir. by Ling Han (USA) 2nd Runner Up for Best Film: For Rent - Dir. by Michèle Kaye (Canada) 3rd Runner Up for Best Film: Money Talks, Gunshots Whisper - Dir. by Blake Gordey (Canada)
Honourable Mentions for Best Film Kung Fu TP - Dir. by Rebecca Lamure (Canada) My Friend Doubt - Dir. by Mark Riccadonna (USA) Visitation - Dir. by Christian Skibinski (Germany) Hot! - Dir. by Julie Liao (USA)
Audience Choice:Money Talks, Gunshots Whisper - Dir. by Blake Gordey (Canada)
Category Award Nominees
1:00-5:00 Minutes Winners in RED, Nominees in BLACK
Nominees for Best Animation Canada Beyond the Books - Dir. by Henry He (Canada) Roaches - Dir. by David R. Creighton (Canada) Baseball Blues - Dir. by Sadie Coelho (Canada) The Perfect Fit - Dir. by Marianed Soria, Sasha Woolley, Pauline Petit, Nour Fenniche, Maeva Chalier, Leyah Stiffler, Ipsita Manna (Canada)
Nominees for Best Animation International Frog - Dir. by Hattie Greenwood (UK) No Halloween This Year_The Horror Is Real - Dir. by Lambros Papathanasiou (Greece) Passport Tale - Dir. by Ghazal Mojtahedi, Hashem Aliakbari (Iran)
Nominees for Best Animation USA Maya - Dir. by John Maslowski (USA) Torch and Hammer - Dir. by Rev. Samuel (USA) Dear Arkansas Daughter - Dir. by Eliana Kate Hill (USA) Undertow - Dir. by Justin Taylor (USA)
Nominees for Best Student Animation Picard the Pika - Dir. by Sophie Ring (USA) Grim Side Show - Dir. by Maeghan McKenzie (USA) Pizza Man - Dir. by Nathan M. Miller (USA)
Nominees for Best Comedy The Rebuild: Just One More Year - Dir. by Isla McKenna (USA) The Encounter - Dir. by Larry Rosen (USA) The Ghost And His Unfortunate But Phenomenal Tale - Dir. by Jim Zounis, Nick Zounis (Australia)
Nominees for Best Documentary Man Versus Ferry - Dir. by Gee Stewart (Canada) S1STERS - Dir. by Pietro Maria Rusca (Italy) We Are All Necessary - Dir. by Manuel Seijo Domínguez (Spain)
Nominees for Best Drama Wash My Sin - Dir. by Tyler Townsend (USA) Old Fashioned - Dir. by Jordan Robinson (Australia) This Cold, Still Place - Dir. by Mike Messier (USA) Farewell - Dir. by Navid Khorassani (Australia) In Search of Nothing - Dir. by Thea Spoorthi Vedula (India)
Nominees for Best Experimental International Robofauna - Dir. by Gerardo Escudero Samara (Panama) Water Under a Bridge - Dir. by Andrew Payne (UK) The Dream - Dir. by Milan / Antic (Serbia) Dote on Blood - Dir. by Ege Kagan Safak (Turkey) Psikedelia - Dir. by İlkim Dila Göktaş (Turkey)
Nominees for Best Experimental North America Idawa - Dir. by Gbenga Salu (Canada) Flat Affect - Dir. by Jacob Anthony Benedetti (USA) My Yesterday, My Tomorrow - Dir. by Theo Khmelnitsky (Canada) Dream Code - Dir. by Narottama Panitz (USA)
Nominees for Best Music Video Explicita - Dir. by Renny Pan (Venezuela) Quesuda - Dir. by Christian Barbeitos (Australia) Cold Cuts - Dir. by Seth Keegan Morris, Jose Diaz Oldenburg (USA)
Nominees for Best Horror The Ghost And His Unfortunate But Phenomenal Tale - Dir. by Jim Zounis, Nick Zounis (Australia) Grim Side Show - Dir. by Maeghan McKenzie (USA) House Sitting - Dir. by Brandon Alexander Cela (USA)
Nominees for Best First-Time Filmmaker Jaden Shniderman - Meeting Her Mother (USA) İlkim Dila Göktaş - Psikedelia (Turkey) Daniela Sofia Cordero Diaz - Maboya (USA)
Nominees for Best Student Film The Witch Woke Me Up - Dir. by Ezra James (Australia) The End - Dir. by Lily Andrews (USA) We are Meant to Be a Family - Dir. by Linh Gia Pham (Canada)
Nominees for Best Actor Cameron Griffin - Old Fashioned (Australia) Michael Boston - Gone, Trucker, Gone (USA) Kostya Tyoschin - Alone, Together (Canada)
Nominees for Best Actress Sarah Bertram - The Encounter (USA) Temitope Salu - Idawa (Canada) Christine Echeandía - Maboya (USA)
Nominees for Best Cast Footin' - Dir. by Luke Roach (Canada) Conversion Therapy - Dir. by Tyler Townsend (USA) Meeting Her Mother - Dir. by Jaden Shniderman (USA)
Nominees for Best Cinematography Mark Gregory - Old Fashioned (Australia) Henry Huangfu - Alone, Together (Canada) Thomas T. Fasciana - The Last Days of Our Species (Italy)
Nominees for Best Writer Kostya Tyoschin, Henry Huangfu - Alone, Together (Canada) Ezra James - The Witch Woke Me Up (Australia) Pearly Mitnasala - Wash My Sin (USA) m
Nominees for Best Director Alessandro Prato - The Last Days of Our Species (Italy) Gee Stewart - Man Versus Ferry (Canada) Seth Keegan Morris, Jose Diaz Oldenburg - Cold Cuts (USA)
5:01-20:00 Minutes Winners in RED, Nominees in BLACK
Nominees for Best Action Twisted Justice - Dir. by Minh Nguyen (USA) SUPER MURV & GOLDFINCH MAN: Twilight Heroes - Dir. by Joshua Ortiz, Murry Haithcock (USA) 2025: Steel City Warriors - Dir. by Luke Meneok (Canada) Sweet Tooth - Dir. by Joe Moore, Adam Genuis (Canada)
Nominees for Best Animation Rock Lamps - Dir. by Jack Parnell (Canada) Secret - Freedom Tastes of Reality - Dir. by Alice Chiofalo (Italy) The Forest of the Honey Bees - Dir. by Erwan Le Gal (France) Keepsake - Dir. by Victoria Bethany Cochrane - Ford, Yunseo (Lupin) Kim (Canada) Take a Drag - Dir. by Amir Vafaei (Iran)
Nominees for Best Comedy International By the Way, Come Over for Lunch - Dir. by Blanca Villalon (Bulgaria) Uplift (G3,7) - Dir. by David García Díaz, Rut García Díaz (Spain) Routine - Dir. by Roberto López Carneiro (Spain) The Culprit - Dir. by María Guerra (Spain)
Nominees for Best Comedy North America Gossip Girls - Dir. by Santiago Pinzon Carrillo, Florent Thibodeau-Charlebois (Canada) The Dognapper - Dir. by Virgo Velasquez (Canada) Route 83 Revisited - Dir. by William Anthony Stancik (USA) Undelivered - Dir. by Nicholas Laudicina (USA) We Send U - Dir. by Kim Madden (Canada)
Nominees for Best Coming-of-Age Film The Pink Rabbit - Dir. by Lily Lowe (Canada) My Girl - Dir. by Lily Lowe (Canada) The Two of Us - Dir. by Conor Struan Forrest (Canada)
Nominees for Best Documentary Why Not? - Dir. by Colin Hodgson (USA) Dow - Dir. by Sofi Abou-Assali (USA) Cooler Runnings - Dir. by Michael Eggert (USA) Slava - Dir. by Davide Ficuciello (Italy) Sea Launch - Dir. by Egor Ivanov (Russia) A Nation's Table - Dir. by Garrett Smith (Canada)
Nominees for Best Drama International Repairs and Malfunctions - Dir. by August Macdonald (Australia) Rose Petals - Dir. by Deyan Angelov (Bulgaria) Betas - Dir. by Senin Porto (Spain) Apart - Dir. by Luca Pirero (Sweden) Arlo and the Sea - Dir. by Damian Overton (Australia) I Won't Cry Tomorrow - Dir. by Mohamed Mahmoud Abdellatif (Tunisia)
Nominees for Best Drama North America Expectations - Dir. by Sara Beebe (USA) Epilogue - Dir. by Joseph Rossi (Canada) Bounty - Dir. by Peter Anastasiadis (USA) Prisoners - Dir. by Troy Schaffer (USA) /Her - Dir. by Madeleine DePietro (USA) Gossip Girls - Dir. by Santiago Pinzon Carrillo, Florent Thibodeau-Charlebois (Canada)
Nominees for Best Experimental The Poet's Plight - Dir. by Ben Frondorf (USA) Memento Mori - Dir. by Fabio Servullo (Brazil) The Sight of Marie - Dir. by Wu Yifang (Japan) Die Angst (The Fear of the Unknown) - Dir. by Yev K'banchik (USA) Aside - Dir. by Marie Béland (Canada)
Nominees for Best Horror The Staircase of Lost Dreams - Dir. by Takeshi Kinugasa (Japan) Trapped in Time - Dir. by Nina Romain (UK) In Time - Dir. by Alice The G00n (USA)
Nominees for Best Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Blue Snakes - Dir. by Iago Montgomery-Jarvis (UK) Fatum - Dir. by Naomi Goldziuk (France) The Monitor - Dir. by Sam Platizky (USA) Secret Bonds - Dir. by Nikita Evseev (Canada) What TF Is This - Dir. by Stephanie Alecia Rose, Brandon Smallwood (USA)
Nominees for Best Romance I Love You - Dir. by Dillon Morris (USA) Routine - Dir. by Roberto López Carneiro (Spain) A Recipe for Romance - Dir. by Jon Osei (Canada) Ordinary - Dir. by Reva Bhardwaj (Canada) The Ceremony - Dir. by Maxime Divier (Canada) Table For Two - Dir. by Ari Song (USA)
Nominees for Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Supernatural When Jacob Jinkers Came to Town - Dir. by Max Levine, Alex Schulman (USA) Last Cigarette - Dir. by Dario Alfredo Caamanxxo (Japan) 2025: Steel City Warriors - Dir. by Luke Meneok (Canada)
Nominees for Best Student Film Putt Putt - Dir. by George Grotheer (USA) For Sofia - Dir. by Matthew Donkers (Canada) Typical - Dir. by Syed Yusuf (India) Sinner - Dir. by Alireza Jhomson (Canada) The Cowgirl - Dir. by Armando Hernandez (USA)
Nominees for Best First-Time Filmmaker Emanuel David - Dusk (Canada) Dale Loon, Alyssa Hunt - Waking Conundrum (Canada) Yoon-Ji Huh, Jeong-Joo Jang - Self-Conversation (Korea) Ejiro Oghoufo - Doubt (USA) Erik Pliszka - Hunter's Stew (USA)
Nominees for Best Actor Nadav Elkum - Peekaboo (Israel) Guillaume Labonté-Mercier - Planespotting (Canada) Joel McVeagh - Sweet Tooth (Canada) Rolando Ravello - Red Ropes (Italy)
Nominees for Best Actress Lily Lu - Intermission (Canada) Yoon-Ji Huh - Self-Conversation (Korea) Rotem Fenichel - We Send U (Canada) Elizabeth Marie Kallman - The Cowgirl (USA)
Nominees for Best Cast Kiss My Ash - Dir. by Mollie O'Donnell (USA) An Unopened Can of Beer - Dir. by Michael Boston (USA) Undelivered - Dir. by Nicholas Laudicina (USA) Taste of Ambition - Dir. by Isaac Stacey (Canada)
Nominees for Best Cinematography Jacob Ronald Barrieau - Food Chain (Canada) Uday Kalluri - Nadu Nedu Prema/Pyaar Kal Aajkal - 'Chentha Neevu'/'Paas Tu' (Canada) Adam Genius - Sweet Tooth (Canada) Guillaume Labonté-Mercier - Planespotting (Canada)
Nominees for Best Writer John Angell Grant - How to Make Amends (USA) Neil Zemouli - Gideon The Dinosaur (UK) Marquis Smallwood - What TF Is This (USA) Kyle Scott Wilkinson - Slippery Highway (Canada)
Nominees for Best Director Dale Loon, Alyssa Hunt - Waking Conundrum (Canada) Mohamed Mahmoud Abdellatif - I Won't Cry Tomorow (Tunisia) Garrett Smith - A Nation's Table (Canada) Alessio Pasqua - Red Ropes (Italy)
20:01-45:00 Minutes Winners in RED, Nominees in BLACK
Nominees for Best Long Short Film Documentary ChatST3 Ring Circus - Dir. by Sullyman The Third () Fight of The Ring 10th Anniversary matches | Pro Wrestling The Movie Vol.1 - Dir. by Kenji Ogusu (Japan) Of A Lifetime - Dir. by Jérôme Tanon (France) The Narrow Gate - Dir. by Shida Qi (China)
Nominees for Best Long Short Film Narrative Party Panda - The Birth of a Serial Killer - Dir. by Uriah Herr (USA) The Price of Blood - Dir. by Casper Fourie (South Africa) The Way of the Mother Bear - Dir. by Killian Casier-Ortolland (France) Gone - Dir. by Dylan Paulini (Mexico)
Nominees for Best Actor Danny McDermott - Party Panda - The Birth of a Serial Killer (USA) Joseph Lloyd Lopez - Gone (Mexico) Nolan Mick - Maybe I Am the Villain (Canada)
Nominees for Best Actress Meghan Reed - Gone (USA) Soleil Van Der Hyde - The Price of Blood (South Africa) Magdalena Broto - Teodoro (Spain)
Nominees for Best Cast The Way of the Mother Bear - Dir. by Killian Casier-Ortolland (France) Teodoro - Dir. by Esteban Roel (Spain) Party Panda - The Birth of a Serial Killer - Dir. by Uriah Herr (USA)
Nominees for Best Cinematography Jinyuan Zhang - Sun Rises Again in Dali (USA) Marc Metelerkamp - The Price of Blood (South Africa) Farhan Rashid - Maybe I Am the Villain (Canada)
Nominees for Best Writer Casper Fourie - The Price of Blood (South Africa) Killian Casier-Ortolland - The Way of the Mother Bear (France) María Magdalena Cotun - Teodoro (Spain)
Nominees for Best Director Sullyman The Third - ChatST3 Ring Circus (USA) Uriah Herr - Party Panda - The Birth of a Serial Killer (USA) Kenji Ogusu - Fight of The Ring 10th Anniversary matches | Pro Wrestling The Movie Vol.1 (Japan)
45:01-120:00 Minutes Winners in RED, Nominees in BLACK
Nominees for Best Comedy God Dam - Dir. by Bill Doty (USA) Ambiguous Indifference - Dir. by Matt Jenkins, Charles Stanley (USA) Brick Force: One Left In The Chamber - Dir. by William Stancik (USA) Vipers - Dir. by Troy Stacey (UK)
Nominees for Best Documentary The King Opera House: A Paranormal Documentary - Dir. by Gavin Webb (USA) Joe Zumba American Actor - Dir. by William Stancik (USA) Cuba es Mi Patria: The Homeland I Keep Inside - Dir. by Rose Marie Perez (USA) Revolutionary Song: The Story of Radical Chilean Music and Politics - Dir. by Jared Gilbert (USA) Circle of Madness - Dir. by Christoph Thoresen (Austria) The Saint of Brooklyn - Dir. by Ulisse Lendaro (Italy)
Nominees for Best Drama Love Lies & Happy Ever After - Dir. by David J. McDonald (USA) Water Lily - Dir. by Julien Botzanowski (France) What is Love - Dir. by Shihyun Wang (Canada) Peace in Pain - Dir. by Moeinreza Motallebi (Canada) Ramasakkani Rakumarudu - Dir. by Uday Kalluri (Canada)
Nominees for Best Horror God Dam - Dir. by Bill Doty (USA) Midnight Boulevard - Dir. by Dinitha Vithanage (Canada) Problematic Intentions - Dir. by Georgi Hernandez (USA)
Nominees for Best Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Love Lies & Happy Ever After - Dir. by David J. McDonald (USA) The King Opera House: A Paranormal Documentary - Dir. by Gavin Webb (USA) Water Lily - Dir. by Julien Botzanowski (France) Midnight Boulevard - Dir. by Dinitha Vithanage (Canada) Vipers - Dir. by Troy Stacey (UK)
Nominees for Best Actor Thomas Lesserteur - Water Lily (France) Dan Perrin - Ambiguous Indifference (USA) David Stevens - God Damn (USA)
Nominees for Best Actress Sonja Durant - Love Lies & Happy Ever After (USA) Pamela Bell - Ambiguous Indifference (USA) Yoyo Lai - What is Love (Canada)
Nominees for Best Cast Midnight Boulevard - Dir. by Dinitha Vithanage (Canada) Problematic Intentions - Dir. by Georgi Hernandez (USA) Peace in Pain - Dir. by Moeinreza Motallebi (Canada)
Nominees for Best Cinematography Dinitha Vithanage, Marco Lavagnino - Midnight Boulevard (Canada) Georgi Hernandez - Problematic Intentions (USA) Moein Reza Motallebi - Peace in Pain (Canada)
Nominees for Best Writer Amy Philbert - Love Lies & Happy Ever After (USA) Matt Jenkins - Ambiguous Indifference (USA) Shihyun Wang - What is Love (Canada)
Nominees for Best Director Gavin Webb - The King Opera House: A Paranormal Documentary (USA) Georgi Hernandez - Problematic Intentions (USA) Ulisse Lendaro - The Saint of Brooklyn (Italy)
15-Second Story Winner in RED, Nominees in BLACK
Nominees for Best 15-Second Story Killer Mind - Dir. by David Valverde Martínez, Melanie Rolon, Agustín Liva (Spain) Space Collapse Ep 12 - Dir. by David Valverde Martínez, Melanie Rolon, Agustín Liva (Spain) A-Jar - Dir. by Kevin Lucero Less (USA) Chainsaw - Dir. by David Valverde Martínez, Melanie Rolon (Spain) Not the One - Dir. by Larry Rosen (USA)